Friday, December 7, 2012

Webquest Questions

Which civilizations were the first to record measurements? The Indus River Valley civilization was the first to record measurements.
What was the length of foot based on in the Roman Empire? It was usually divided into 12 or sometimes 10 inches or 16 fingers/digits.
Why did the French Academy of Science create the metric system? So everyone used the same units for science and it was easier to assess the works of everyone globally. It made things more simple.
What was the Treaty of the Meter? It was an agreement used to preserve the Metric System.
How was the length of a standard meter defined in the year 1791? It was defined because the French Academy decided that the standard of the meter would be defined by the dimensions of Earth.
How was the length of a standard meter defined in the year 1983? On October 20, 1983, the meter was officially redefined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.
 What was the significance of the Metric Act of 1866? It was significant because it recognized the metric system as a legal system of measurement in the US, so the US decided the metric system was reliable enough to be used there.
What were some of the early tools to help aid in measurement? Some of the early tools in measurement were the use of body parts like the arms, legs, and feet.
What major engineering blunders were results of faulty measurement? The Mars Cimate Orbiter was a major engineering blunder because teams from europe and the US were using two different measurement systems and the orbiter missed the planet .

Monday, December 3, 2012

Puzzle Cube Challenge: CAD Work

Singular Cube Pieces:

Assembly Pieces:

Fully Assembled Cube:


Monday, October 22, 2012

Cardboard Canoes!

We earned 11 achievements out of 18 for the cardboard canoe challenge.
Problem: We need to be able to float Ryan across the pool in a cardbaord canoe.
Brainstorming Ideas:
1. We could make a leaf like shape
2. We could make the boat tall so no water is let in
3. We could make a cardboard submarine
4. There could be a hand-crank propeller
5. There could be a big double-sided paddle
6. We could make a raft shaped float
7. We could make a viking boat and make it 7 feet long 8
8. The boat could  be fold-able so we can transport it easily to the pool
9. We could cut a milk container to use it to get water out of our boat
10. We could cut holes in the boat to use paddles through
1. Criteria and Constraints: The main criteria was that the boat had to be completely coveredw with duct tape. Three implied constraints are that it has to fit through the door, it has to fit one person, and it has to be hydrodynamic. 
Cardboard Canoe Sketches:

3. Prototype Idea

4. Select an Approach: Our sketches differed a lot from the actual model that we decided to build, but we were not sure how to make a v-bottom so we went with a flat bottom instead. Most other people also had a flat bottom but they also had a pointed front so theirs went and floated better in the water compared to ours. The team that did use a v-shaped bottom did the best in all of the achievements because it had a really good ratio of all of the cardboard and tape.

Build it!:

6. The Earlier Bird gets the Achievement: We were the first team to fully tape up our boat.

8. Feedback: We had good brainstorming ideas and well drawn out sketches, but we did not represent our ideas in the boat that we ended up designing. It did not hold up in water so it was obvious that we should have made it a lot thicker on the sides, more sturdy to sit it and easier to slice through the water. If the boat hadn't been so wobbly all around I think we could have done a lot better in all of the competitions.

9. How low did you go?: The canoe sat a little above the water with Ryan inside of it. Our boat size was awkward and the shape was a little disproportionate compared to how most boats look to have the ability to float in water. The density is determined by the mass/volume. The water in the pool did not have as big a volume as Ryan did in the boat so he was able to float a little bit above the water.

10. Redesign: If we were to do another cardboard canoe for next semester I would definately go with the v-bottom and the pointed front to make it more stable and able to slice through the water. We could also use more carboard and cut it into different designs instead of just throwing a cardboard box into a folded up boat like we had. If we had another chance at this challenge we would definately win!

11. Make Your Own Achievement: Be able to get back into your boat while being in the middle of the pool and having nothing to help you get back in.